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These are pretty much the "exact cels" I would like. I like pretty much ANY awesome DBZ cel, but these are the ones I want the most. Those SSJ3 Harmony's ESPECIALLY!! But I don't have that many kidney's to give!! ;)

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Series/Description    Sample    Priority
»  Dragonball Z
Any one of the awesome SSJ3 Harmony cels at the end of the first ssj3 transformation episode. Will Give Kidney
Any one of the awesome SSJ3 Harmony cels at the end of the first ssj3 transformation episode. Will Give Kidney
Any one of the awesome SSJ3 Harmony cels at the end of the first ssj3 transformation episode. Will Give Kidney
Goku directly after he transformed to SSJ3 for first time. Will Give Kidney
Goku saying Goodbye. Will Give Kidney
Goku saying Goodbye. Will Give Kidney
Goku transforming for the first time into Super Saiyan 3 (THIS EXACT CEL). I'll do anything for you if you can help me find it. Will Give Kidney
Goku transforming for the first time into Super Saiyan 3 (THIS EXACT CEL). I'll do anything for you if you can help me find it. Will Give Kidney
Goku transforming for the first time into Super Saiyan 3 (THIS EXACT CEL). I'll do anything for you if you can help me find it. Will Give Kidney
SSJ Goku firing the KameHameHa at Pikon!! A cel like this one. Beautiful isn't it? Will Give Kidney
The Final Flash. Any cel from the sequence, but this one I want the most. Will Give Kidney
This Exact cel of SSJ2 Gohan with his dad performing the Kamehameha (one handed!) Will Give Kidney
This EXACT CEL of Vegeta after the Final Flash Will Give Kidney
Gohan out-kamehameha'n Cell. Very High
Goku showing Buu his forms of SSJ (THIS EXACT CEL) Very High
This cel. I've seen it before but couldn't get it back then! Very High
This cel of Vegeta before he sacrficed himself. Medium

Curator: bleedingorange
Gallery Created: 6/28/2002
Hits: 27633

Presentation 8.88/10   Collection 8.69/10   Overall 8.78/10   Votes 48 votes
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