»  Dragonball Z

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Super Saiyan Goku
Source: TV
Layers: 3
Sketches: 3
Cel Number: B18, D3, C1
Standard size

Key Cel
Original Unmatching Background

Added 4/2/2004
Updated 7/20/2005
Super Saiyan Goku, Powering up. It is one of the nicer cels of SSJ Goku that I've seen. Thanks to BaDMaN I now know this is from early in the Android saga as Goku charges to battle Androids 19 and 20! He also helped me with the screenshots. I included both the frame before this cel and the frame of this cel for clarity reasons. You can visit his gallery at http://saiyanprince.rubberslug.com/

Cel came with all 3 sketches for all 3 layers it's composed of. One layer is for the ki, another is for Goku's hair and clothes and there's a layer of just Goku's bald head.
Lucky for me the ki layer isn't stuck!

From english episode 112: A Handy Trick.

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    Previous: SSJ3 Goku KameHameHa!! Next: Kaioken Training    

Curator: bleedingorange
Gallery Created: 6/28/2002
Hits: 27633

Presentation 8.88/10   Collection 8.69/10   Overall 8.78/10   Votes 48 votes
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