Goku & Majin Vegeta
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A11
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 3/12/2004
Updated 7/23/2005
It's hard not to look at this cel without a bit of awe. It is the perfect cel of Goku and Vegeta together and it is from one of my favorite scenes in Dragonball Z. I'm very glad I finally got my hands on it, I've been wanting it for a long time.
I think the person who owned this before me said it best when they said "Goku's pissed at Royalty and Royally Pissed!" This is right after Vegeta whined on and on about how Goku has cut down his pride. Vegeta came right up to him and slapped him in the face only for Goku to power up and return the favor ten fold. Can't you see the PAIN on Vegeta's face? Muwhahaha.
It comes with it's matching sketch. Framed of course. And the background, though not the original, is almost a perfect match. Click the image below to view a .WMV file of the scene. You will need Windows Media Player.
From english episode 215: The Long Awaited Fight
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