Please rate my gallery if you have time!

News & Updates

9/5/2006Not Yet. Sorry. I don't have enough time to add the cels today. I'll try to do it Friday when I'm off work and out of school again.
9/4/2006NEW LOOK! Yup, I finally updated the look. I'll be adding the many cels that I've put off adding for the longest time on Tuesday of this week. A BUNCH of new stuff! And all of my images will be replaced with newer and much nicer images. I would love to hear feedback on this layout. Tell what u think!
4/3/2006This news section doesn't get updated nearly often enough! Yeah. That's because there is no news. But I will be adding cels soon. Promise! Read my blog for all my excuses, complaints and crazy splurges of thought. New cels soon + surprise! Unless I already told you what it is, then it's not. Sorry for you!
1/24/2006Sorry. I still have more cels to add, I'll get around to it eventually.

Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
»  Dragonball Z 11/7/2005
»  Genga Sets 7/15/2003
»  The Simpsons 6/16/2004
» Dead Cels 11/7/2005
»  Fan Artwork 9/9/2003
»  Past Layouts 7/20/2005
»  Boredom Link 8/29/2003

Curator: bleedingorange
Gallery Created: 6/28/2002
Hits: 27632

Presentation 8.88/10   Collection 8.69/10   Overall 8.78/10   Votes 48 votes
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